Stillbirth & Birth Injury Prevention
We are a group of concerned parents and individuals who have been directly or indirectly affected by the loss of a child through stillbirth due to preventable known causes like Umbilical Cord Accidents (UCA). We feel the need to empower parents by providing information leading to a more informed pregnancy experience. We know the loss of a child is the most painful experience any parent can suffer however to later find out that the loss is unbearable. Our objective is to reduce stillbirths by providing basic information that parents can confer with their midwife/obstetricians of your child was preventable Reduce preventable stillbirths by informing and empowering women about the latest’s health advancements before during and after pregnancy.
Pediatric and Adult Cancer Research
POAC also advocates for pediatric and adult cancer research, alternative treatments and immunotherapy, in collaboration with Prof. Dr Martin Grootveld of DeMontfort University in Leicester and Prof. Dr. Dana Flavin who are leading new research focused on enhancing the body’s natural ability to fight cancer.
POAC will work and develop a much needed epidemiology study, understanding environmental and genetic risk factors by gathering information from parents whose children have suffered this horrible illness.
What we are doing
We are actively working to establish a base in Scotland and are well on the way to succeeding.
We have built relationships with other similar organisations world-wide and have been supplying home-fetal scanning machines to 'at-risk' pregnant mothers. "Mother to Mother network prevention."
We do constant research; we want to support scientific work related to our most important goals, healthy Mums & Babies, pediatric and adult cancer research and hopefully find a cure.
Meet the volunteer coordinators: